Hobo Dinners

Recipe provided by Tim Zimmerman, Station 553 – Franklin Township

  • Hamburger  (enough for a patty for each person)
  • Onions
  • Potatoes
  • Corn (or any other vegetable you wish)
  • Foil

Spray foil with non-stick cooking spray. Form hamburger into a patty and place in center of foil (shiny side of foil inward). Slice vegetables into small pieces and put around the hamburger. Season with salt and pepper (or your favorite seasoning). Bring long sides of foil together and fold them down. Roll all the way down tightly. Fold in ends of foil and wrap tightly around. Repeat with a second piece of foil, making sure foil is secure around the ingredients so juices will not leak. Each serving should be prepared in its own foil wrap. Cook in a 425-degree oven for 45 to 55 minutes. Serve in foil with a fork. May be placed on top of a plate for added support.