workshops by leadership johnson county

There’s never a bad time for professional growth, but as a time of rebirth and renewal, spring just seems like a natural fit. Leadership Johnson County is facilitating professional growth this spring with the following Zoom sessions. You can get details and sign up for each at

Lunch and Learn: Ways to Build Your Team Remotely. Noon, March 15. Is your team feeling a little distant? Join Carolyn Goerner from Indiana University Kelley School of Business for this hour-long event, during which she will share strategies for building a connected remote team that’s set up for success.

From Buddy to Boss: Successful Transition as a New Leader. 9 a.m. April 8. One day you’re palling around the watercooler; the next day you’re in the corner office. Adjusting to a managerial role can be challenging, but this three-hour session, led by Greenwood Assistant Fire Chief Brad Coy, will guide learners in adopting a leadership mindset, along with the accompanying skills for successful leaders.

Vision Casting: Creating Your Vision and Making It Reality. 9 a.m. May 4. Your name might not be Miss Cleo, but you, too, can see and shape your future. How? Through vision casting. During this three-hour session, led by Triple Impact LLC President Bea Northcott, participants will learn how to get the tools and techniques needed to create a vision statement, identify a strategic position and create a plan for putting it in motion.

Overcoming Impostor Syndrome. 9 a.m. May 21. Impostor syndrome is a common professional issue, but how much do you know about it? Carolyn Goerner from Indiana University Kelley School of Business returns for a three-hour session, during which attendees will learn to diagnose the different types of impostors, determine the root causes of these feelings and develop plans to stop impostor feelings before they take control.